This page acts as a master index of all past Maryland Birding listserv messages, allowing you to easily browse messages by date. Incorporated are posts from MDOsprey, a list run from 1997 to 2012 by Norm Saunders. The site uses Google Custom Search to search through archived posts. As of Jan 2014, this feature is still new and buggy. Before it works properly, Google will have to index all archived messages. For MDBirding posts (Jun 2012 - Today), please use the Google Group page to search through messages.

Please note that there were four different indexing techniques used for past messages which is why you will see some indicies by week, some by month, and a few by year. There wasn't an easy way around this problem. If anyone else would like to make improvements to this collection, feel free to use the downloadable package HERE. If you are interested in searching through messages and a bit tech-savvy, I recommend downloading the above link and then using a free program like FileSeek to quickly search through the thousands of files for keywords or species names. Thanks to Bill Hubick and Phil Davis for their work in securing some of the older messages and to Norm Saunders for running MDOsprey for so many years.