Date: 7/9/12 10:10 am
From: Matt Hafner <hafner.matt...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Harford County 7/9/12 - Confirmed nesting of Spotted Sandpiper and a few fall migrants

I spent the early morning wandering some of the more agricultural roads of
North Harford looking for Dickcissels unsuccessfully this morning, but then
I traveled down to the southern part of the county where I actually saw a
few nice birds.

At Perryman Park, I found an adult and very young Spotted Sandpiper that I
believe is the first nesting confirmation for Harford County. I was able
to take some video of the juvenile that you can see here:

Also at the park, I heard 6 flyover Bobolinks headed south. Full ebird

At Swan Harbor, there was a young Little Blue Heron in one of the new
impoundments. The number of swallows present here and at Tydings seemed
indicate some migration/dispersal is well underway. Full ebird list:

Tydings had a nice amount of flats, but only 4 Least Sandpipers. Of
interest locally were 4 Ring-billed Gulls and a Great Black-backed which I
have not seen in the county in June the past 2 years. Full ebird list:

I stopped by the Aldino pond at the corner of Rt. 155 and 156 on the way
home and found 10 Least Sandpipers there. Nothing at the sod farm.

Good birding!

Matt Hafner
Forest Hill, MD
