Date: 9/2/12 8:14 pm
From: <BlkVulture...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Red Crossbill, Holland Point, 2 September

Nope, that's not a typo.

This afternoon at about two-thirty PM, I was sitting on my pier with my
wife and father, facing the bay, when I started to hear a distinct call over
the water. The bird seemed relatively high, and sounded like it was flying
toward me. My first instinct was some immature tern or shorebird sound
that I hadn't heard before, but whatever it was sounded a lot like a Red
Crossbill. Then I found the bird against the bright, white sky, and realized
that it was indeed a songbird, and it was flying in an undulating flight
directly toward me. I got it in binoculars, but can only add that it was a
good fit for a finch (size, general shape, flight style). I couldn't see any
other details.

The call was a clear JIP-JIP JIP-JIP-JIP, perhaps a bit flatter and
harsher than some crossbills I've heard, and constant during the ten or so
seconds of my observation.

Yep, I'd be doubting this one too. No offense taken!



Todd Michael Day
Jeffersonton, Virginia
Culpeper County

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