Date: 9/29/12 1:07 pm
From: Kurt Schwarz <krschwa1...>
Subject: [MDBirding] Action: Help Protect Habitat in National Petroleum Reserve

From National Audubon:

The Department of Interior is finalizing the first-ever comprehensive
management plan for America's largest tract of public land, the nearly
23-million acre National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (Reserve). The proposed
plan would safeguard key areas Audubon has been working to protect for
nearly two decades, including approximately 11 million acres of habitat
vital for millions of migratory birds, two large caribou herds, grizzly
bear, polar bear, wolves, wolverine, Arctic fox, walrus, and ice seals.
Birds that rely on the Reserve migrate to many states and several
continents‹maybe even your backyard!
We need an overwhelming show of public support for the new plan! Send the
sample comments below, or increase the impact by personalizing the letter
with your own words about why protecting wildlife habitat in America's
Arctic is important to you.
Go to:

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Kurt R. Schwarz
Conservation Chair
Maryland Ornithological Society
Goawaybird at verizon dot net
