Date: 1/4/13 10:28 am
From: Gail B. Mackiernan %<3Ckatahdinss...>%3E <katahdinss...>
Subject: [MDBirding] eBird Gyrfalcon report

Hi all,

This came up in one of eBird's hourly RBAs for Maryland this morning. Anyone up that way should keep their eyes open...

Gail Mackiernan,
Colesville, MD

Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) (1)
- Reported Dec 31, 2012 09:15 by William Perry
- Roddy Creek Road, Frederick, Maryland
- Map:,-77.3992095&ll=39.6421367,-77.3992095
- Checklist:
- Comments: "This beautiful bird was a typical gray subadult sitting on power pole, then flew across Hwy. 15 near Roddy Creek Road. This bird was about the size of a Rough-legged Hawk and had longer tail than Buteos. Flight was distinctly falconlike - motion of wings primarily at the outer wing. I am familiar with this species - have seen several gyrfalcons during my career as wildlife biologist in South Dakota."
