Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 12:11:56 -0400 Reply-To: Maryland Birds & Birding Sender: Maryland Birds & Birding From: Howard Youth Subject: Pretty big day Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Yesterday (Wednesday), I drove to a mixed bag of MD/VA spots in search of migrants. The weather definitely put the chill on birdsong and somewhat on activity. Still, there were many interesting birds. I had 96 species between 6:30am and 3pm. HM=Huntley Meadows BH/DM=Bellehaven/Dyke Marsh GF=Great Falls, VA OR=Oland Road LP=Lilypons SL=Sycamore Landing S=Seneca 1. Pied-billed grebe HM 2. Double-crested cormorant DM, etc. 3. Great blue heron 4. Great egret HM, LP 5. Green Heron HM, S 6. Black-crowned N-heron GW Pkwy 7. Canada goose 8. Wood Duck 9. Mallard 10. Blue-winged teal LP 11. Ruddy Duck BH 12. Black Vulture GW Pkwy 13. Turkey Vulture 14. Osprey HM, BH 15. Bald Eagle DM 16. Red-sh. Hawk HM 17. Red-t. Hawk LP 18. American Kestrel W. Willard Rd. betw. SL and LP 19. MERLIN 1 BH parking lot (on dead tree across parkway as you look west from parking lot) 20. King Rail 1 h. HM 21. Am. Coot HM, Hughes Hollow 22. Killdeer LP 23. Greater Yellowlegs sev. LP 24. Lesser Yellowlegs 1 HM, 1-2 LP 25. Solitary Sandpiper 4-6 HM, 2 LP 26. Spotted Sandpiper 1-2 HM 27. Least Sandpiper 2 HM 28. Ring-billed Gull 29. Great Black-backed Gull BH/DM 30. Caspian Tern BH/DM 31. Forster's Tern DM 32. Rock Dove 33. Mourning Dove 34. Chimney Swift 35. Belted Kingfisher S 36. Red-bellied Woodpecker 37. Hairy Woodpecker HM, DM, GF 38. Downy Woodpecker 39. Northern Flicker HM 40. Pileated Woodpecker HM, DM 41. Eastern Phoebe HM, SL 42. Great Crested Flycatcher DM (just 1) 43. Eastern Kingbird BH (3) 44. Tree Swallow DM 45. N. Rough-winged Sw. HM, GF 46. Barn Swallow HM, BH/DM, LP 47. Blue Jay 48. Fish Crow 49. Am. Crow 50. Carolina Chickadee 51. Tufted Titmouse 52. WB Nuthatch 53. Carolina Wren 54. House Wren SL (1) 55. Golden-crowned Kinglet BH (1-2) 56. Ruby-crowned Kinglet BH/DM 57. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 58. Eastern Bluebird HM 59. American Robin 60. Wood Thrush HM (1), GF (1) 61. Gray Catbird DM (1) 62. No. Mockinbird 63. European Starling 64. Red-eyed Vireo HM (2) 65. Warbling Vireo BH (1) 66. Yellow-throated Vireo GF (1) 67. White-eyed Vireo HM (1) 68. Blue-winged Warbler HM (1) 69. Northern Parula Warbler HM, BH/DM, GF, S, SL 70. Yellow Warbler DM (1) 71. Yellow-rumped Warbler everywhere except LP/OR (small #s, tho) 72. Prairie Warbler 1 heard River Road n. SL 73. Palm Warbler 1 "yellow" HM 74. Ovenbird HM (3) 75. Northern Waterthrush GF (1) 76. Louisiana Waterthrush GF (4) 77. Common Yellowthroat HM, BH, SL 78. Scarlet Tanager GF (1) 79. Northern Cardinal 80. Eastern Towhee DM (1) 81. Chipping Sparrow GF (2) 82. Field Sparrow DM (1), 1 heard River Rd. n. SL 83. Vesper Sparrow OR (1-2) 84. Savannah Sparrow OR (2-3) 85. Song Sparrow 86. Swamp Sparrow HM (2), DM (3) 87. White-throated Sparrow 88. BOBOLINK OR (10) 89. Red-winged Blackbird 90. Eastern Meadowlark OR (1) 91. Common Grackle 92. Brown-headed Cowbird 93. Orchard Oriole BH (1) 94. House Finch 95. American Goldfinch 96. House Sparrow Howard Youth Rockville, MD ======================================================================= To leave the MDOsprey list, send e-mail to with the following message in line 1: signoff mdosprey ======================================================================= =========================================================================