Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 19:56:06 -0500 Reply-To: Maryland Birds & Birding Sender: Maryland Birds & Birding From: Elliot Kirschbaum Subject: Loch Raven Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit This morning's walk at Loch Raven Reservoir had a total of 49 species. The highlights included two flights of migrating Tundra Swans, one with about 15 birds and the second with about 65 birds; and a singing Fox Sparrow. Elliot Kirschbaum Baltimore, MD USA ======================================================================= To leave the MDOsprey list, send e-mail to with the following message in line 1: signoff mdosprey ======================================================================= =========================================================================