
Joseph j Halpin (halpinj@juno.com)
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 10:27:25 -0500

For those who will travel to the CBBT-are you aware of the Eastern Shore
of Virginia NWR, on the east side of the highway, just before you reach
the toll gate?  This area is noted for its woodcocks and we were
successful in seeing one on a recent visit to this reserve.

The Visitor Center has very restricted hours but we went to the refuge
office and talked to the staff biologist about where to find the
woodcocks.  He told us of 2 possibilities-to walk through the bramble
thickets just outside the office, on the east side of the fence, or to
come back at dusk and to look around the mowed strips along the roads. 
Apparently, the woodcocks come out of the thickets at dusk to feed in the
mowed areas.

We did both and were only successful while walking the brambles; if you
chose to do this be prepared for the thorns.

Joe Halpin
Silver Spring, MD
email: halpinj @juno.com

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