Re: Record's Committee Stuff

Phil Davis (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 00:37:02 -0500

At 07:50 AM 02/21/1998 -0500, Darius Ecker wrote:

>I'd like to follow up with another question.  Harvey's message he posted
was great, but I seem to have lost it already in with the masses of email
on my computer.  Did Harvey mention the answers to these questions ?  If he
did, I'd love it if someone could resend Harvey's message to me.  If not,
perhaps someone on the committee can post the answers ?    

>1. How are people selected to serve on the Records Committee ?

>2. Is there a mechanism for removing them ?

>3. Are members of the committee excluded from voting on their own sightings ?

Darius - 

I have been  working with Fran Saunders to "roll out" the committee's
"Goals and Procedures" document onto the MD/DCRC web pages on the MOS web
site (

Some basic information on the terms of the members is already posted there.
 Essentially, the committee elects its new members, which then are
presented to the MOS President for ratification.  No removal mechanism
exists.  Members are not excluded from voting on their own records ...
quite the contrary, members are not allowed to abstain (they used to be,
but the committee's voting system is designed around having all nine
members voting.

Other information that we plan to roll out to the web site in the future
include our Annual Meeting Minutes and Annual Business Report.  Also, the
minutes from our annual Skins Workshop at the US Museum of Natural History.

Hope this helps!


Phil Davis, Secretary
MD/DC Records Committee

home:	Davidsonville, Maryland	USA
work:		Greenbelt, Maryland		USA