Re: Hart-Miller Island Decision

Phil Davis (
Sun, 22 Mar 1998 02:41:00 -0500

Great news, Gene.

Thanks for all your support and hard work on this issue!


At 07:48 PM 03/20/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>To All Maryland Birders,
>The decision has been made to restore the South Cell of Hart-Miller 
>Island for shorebird and nesting tern habitat. (See the following E-mail 
>message from the Corps to the Hart-Miller Island Study Team.)
>Thank you for your support, both at the public meetings and with your 
>comments to the Corps.
>Gene Scarpulla
>Maryland Ornithological Society Representative
>Hart-Miller Island Study Team
>Towson, Maryland
>Date: March 13, 1998
>  To: Hart-Miller Island Study Team (*see list below)
>From: Richard Kibby, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
>  Re: Selection of Design Alternative
>On March 6, 1998, representatives of the Maryland Department of
>Transportation, Department of Natural Resources, and the COE met to
>review the three design alternatives (shorebird, songbird, and no 
>action) and associated financing.  As discussed at the last study team 
>meeting, a matrix was prepared which compared the three alternatives in 
>the following categories: creation of scarce and significant habitat, 
>number of acres of created habitat, cost per habitat, total first cost, 
>operation and maintenance costs, nuisance control and risks, 
>opportunities, public comment, beneficial use of dredged material, and 
>passive recreation.
>The selected alternative was the shorebird design.  This design will
>included 174 aces of wetlands/mudflats, 118 acres of grass, one 5-acre
>pond with an one-acre nesting island , and a pumping system.  Work is
>proceeding with the next level of design which should be completed for
>review by early April.
>*Study Team List
>Stacey Underwood, COE
>Mark Mendelsohn, COE
>Clifford Burdeaux, COE
>Jill Caverly, COE
>Carol Anderson-Austra, COE
>John Wilson-DNR
>Mark Wheeler-DNR
>Dana Limpert-DNR
>Kevin Smith-DNR
>Robert Gaudette-DNR
>Dave Brinker-DNR
>Dave Bibo-MPA
>Tom Kroen- HMI Citizens Advisory Committee
>Cece Donovan-MES
>Wayne Young-MES
>Eugene Scarpulla- MD Ornithological Society
>John Gill-USFWS
>Cy Lesser- USDA
>Visty Dalal-MDE
>Susan McConville-Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission

Phil Davis

home:	Davidsonville, Maryland	USA
work:        	Greenbelt, Maryland		USA