Dickcissels in Frederick County

Tue, 23 Jun 1998 14:34:50 EDT

 At least two singing male dickcissels were still at Oland Road (Frederick
County) this morning (6/23) between 9:45 and 10:15. They were on the left side
of Oland Road (after turning right from Rt. 85) in the brown weedy material
just at the edge of the corn field which is the first field on the left after
turning onto Oland. At one point two dickcissels flew across Oland Road into
the tall green-brown plant material there. One also flew into the patch of
dark green plants (vetch?) just along Oland Road on the right. After I had
turned around to go toward Lily Pons, one male was on the wires at the
intersection of Oland, Lily Pons and Rt. 85. The field on the right of Oland
Road appears not to have been mowed any more than it had been when KurtCapt87
was there on 6/20.

Phyllis Grimm
Reisterstown, MD