Short trip report - Lower Outer Banks

Lou Shomette (
Mon, 29 Jun 98 16:08:42 EST

     My wife and I spent the weekend with family in Emerald Isle, NC. This 
     is at the far end of the Outer Banks where they reconnect to the 
     We were able sneak away a few times and saw some species that aren't 
     readily present in the MD-DC-DE area:
     Painted Bunting (3 immature males singing)
     Limpkin (New Bern)
     White-winged Dove (Beaufort)
     Eurasian-collared Dove (Beaufort)
     Sandwich Tern (5+)
     Red-cockaded Woodpecker (well, actually we didn't see them, just heard 
     the nestling's in their sap covered hole)
     Brown-headed Nuthatch (many)
     Also had a very obliging American Woodcock, many Least Terns and 12+ 
     Red-headed Woodpeckers.
     Very hot (high 90's) and humid weather but the ocean temperature was 
     perfect for swimming.
     Lou Shomette
     Columbia, MD
     P.S.  I strongly recommend the Birding the Outer Banks book by John 
     Fussell for anyone birding this area.