Re: Turkey Point- Wed. am.

Harry Fisher (
Wed, 09 Sep 1998 11:51:38 -0400

Hi All
Birds continue to move through Turkey Point, `tho I don`t know what
could ever compare to the Cape May Warblers seen by Sean McCandless &
myself yesterday!!  The fall adult males were beautiful.

Nashville W.- 2
Black-throated Green- 10
Bay Breasted W.- 1
Magnolia- 30
Redstart- 12
Blackburnian- 1
Chestnut-sided- 12
Common Yellowthroat- 7
Black-throated Blue- 3
Cedar Waxwings- 55
Least Flycatcher- 1
Bobolinks- 47
Yellow-throated Vireo- 3, singing
White-eye Vireo-3
Ruby Throated Hummingbird- 5

I also spent 1 1/2 hrs @ the Hawk Watch. In that time, we had
Eagles- 2 mature, 1 immature
Osprey 3
Broadwings- 5, all immature
Sharpies- 9, all immature
Northern Harriers- 5, Immature
Good Birding, Leslie Fisher
Cecil Co. MD.