Birds at Rock Creek today, 9/10

Thu, 10 Sep 98 11:47:31 EDT

A good flight at Rock Creek Park, DC, this morning. Still some cool breeze
but the birds were dropping in at first light -- frustrating to get onto,
much less ID. Once it brightened we did very well, birding first the ridge
at picnic site 17, then the maintenance yard and the area around the nature
center itself.

Warblers: Blackburnian (2-3), Black-and-White (4), Black-throated Green (15),
Black-throated Blue (4), Blackpoll (1), Baybreasted (4), Canada (3), Cape
May (1), Chestnut-sided (12), Magnolia (12), Nashville (2), Ovenbird (1),
Parula (3), Redstart (15), Tennessee (1), Common Yellowthroat (4). Seen by
others at same sites: Palm (1), Worm-eating (1).

Flycatchers: Wood Pewee (2), Least Flycatcher (2), Yellow-bellied Flycatcher

Vireos: Red-eyed (20), White-eyed (1), Warbling (2), Yellow-throated (1),
seen by others: Philadelphia (1).

Others: Veery (2), Swainson's Thrush (4), R-T Hummingbird (1), Rose-breasted
Grosbeak (7), Scarlet Tanager (1), Sharp-shinned Hawk (3), Am. Kestrel (1).

Not counted, but major movement of Am. Robin, Catbird and Y-S Flickers.

In contrast, very low number of Swifts which had been prominent until today.

In the maintenance yard we flushed but could not get onto a small Spizella
sparrow which could have been the Clay-colored. It was near the little flock of
Indigo Buntings.

Gail Mackiernan and Barry Cooper