Goldfinches all of a sudden [was: Re: Wakefield Park, 23 Sep 98]

David (
Wed, 23 Sep 1998 18:00:49 -0400 wrote:

> After hearing so much about Wakefield Park, I decided to visit it after this
> cold front came through.  
> Highlights included:
> (300 or so) American Goldfinches
> I found the number of Goldfinches staggering.  Very few males still have any
> brilliance left in their plumage. 

Here at our backyard feeders (near Glen Echo, MD) we have been quite
surprised by a sudden influx of brilliantly yellow goldfinches, complete
with voracious appetites, particularly after having seen very few of
them in the last month or so.  Anyone care to venture an observation?

David Strother
Bethesda, MD