Re: remaining pelagics

Gregory B Miller (
Wed, 04 Nov 1998 21:24:24 -0500


I still need Dovekie.  Great Skua is now a very remote possibility as
most have dispersed somewhere out into the North Atlantic.  I am
tentatively planning to go to Newfoundland in December now for Dovekie. 
I know they can occur as far South as Florida, but their likelihood
decreases dramatically South of New Brunswick.

Snowy Owl?  Yes, after Tbanksgiving there should be reports of regularly
occuring owls around the area.  I've already seen the first few reports
from MA, NY, PA, and NJ, but none are still being seen.

Thanks for the cheers!  Only a couple more months to go.  I'm headed
West this weekend to Elko, NV for the Himalayan Snowcock.  I hope the
weather's agreeable!

-Greg Miller
Lusby, MD