A Mimic I've Been Waiting For...

Mon, 11 Jan 1999 09:17:01 -0500

Howdy All!

     This morning (1/11) it finally happened--well, for me
anyway.  I finally heard an American Crow do a rather believable
Fish Crow call.  I watched a single American Crow do it.  No
other crows were present.  The famous "ca-a" (a distinct nasal
quality, the "a" is short as in "cat", and the cadence is like
someone saying "uh-oh") has fallen.  Actually, I'm quite
surprised I haven't witnessed this before.  Maybe some of you all

     Fortunately for me, the "ca-a" was mixed in the normal
raucous, non-nasal call "caw-caw-caw" of the American Crow.
Proudly voiced from a perch high atop a telephone pole, it went
something like this: "caw-caw-caw. ca-a. caw-caw-caw-caw. ca-a."
Like it was practicing a new addition to its repertoire.  It
didn't quite have the nasalness down pat yet, but it was close
enough to make me check for sure that there was only ONE crow.

-Greg Miller
Lusby, MD