Ducks and such at Huntley Meadows
Tue, 2 Mar 1999 20:05:55 EST


I figured a nice morning like this deserved a quick stop at Huntley.  The duck
selection was very high:  Wood Duck (4+, there back!), Green-wing Teal (12),
Blk Duck (2), Mallard (50), Gadwall (30), No. Pintail (4 - 2 pairs!), Ring-
necked Duck (1), Hooded Merganser (6+), and Ruddy Duck (1).  And of course 2
of the King Rails got a bit vocal during the visit!

I came back at dusk to check out the owl situation (Great Horned - 2, a duet,
and one Barred) and came across an odd chip note.  It was reminescent of a
Brown Thrasher, but lack the resonant, loud quality.  Then, a bit a noise
and...Fox Sparrow!  The Fox Sparrow then settled down on a branch and sang a
few stanzas of its sing-song melody.

Kurt Gaskill

"Where's that confounded bridge?"