SPRING!(can't wait!)

Bonnie Ott (bott@erols.com)
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 12:45:33 -0500

"Imagine yourself in a green dell, where the meadows meet the wood, a
soft warm wind gently blowing, and the big white clouds above sailing
under a dome of blue.
	All around you, in the bushes, in the trees, and up in the sky, there
is music: Thrushes and blackbirds whistling their pure notes from the
bushes; Linnets flitting on the yellow gorse, singing their softer
liquid songs; Cuckoos calling in the fields; Warblers singing in the
wood, and Larks soaring over all. Flowers everywhere, butterflies
dancing over them, and the air itself filled with the more faint music
of insect's wings. Wherever you look there is happiness, for the whole
world is awake and mad with  a great joy."

	Oliver G. Pike, from "Birdland"