Bird walk - Rock Creek Park, April 27
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:32:58 EDT

The MCC/MOS sponsered bird walk in Rock Creek Park today from 6:30 AM to 
10:00 AM was quite exciting with a total of 57 species, all passerines, and 
included Scaret Tanager, E. Kingbird, YB Cuckoo, and 15 warbler species - BT 
Green, B&W, Cerulean, Yellow-rumped, Cape May, Chestnut-sided, Redstart, 
Palm, Blue-winged, Tennessee, Hooded, Golden-winged, Nashville, C. 
Yellow-throat, and Ovenbird. There were lots of Solitary Vireos and a few 
Red-eyed Vireos.
   There were 17 participants and the weather was spectacular. 
    Bill Dobbins