Migrants at Rock Creek today (4/28)

Wed, 28 Apr 99 21:40:50 EDT

As might have been expected, there was an excellent movement of migrants last
night and when we got to the ridge (picnic areas 17/18) at Rock Creek at
6:15 am, the woods were ringing with song. Bird activity continued until
noon, we left at about 12:30, having tallied 17 species of warbler and other
migrants. Here's hoping tomorrow is as exciting!

Partial list: 1 Golden-winged, 3-4 Blue-winged, 1 Cerulean, 3 Chestnut-sided,
20+ Black-throated Green, 1 Black-throated Blue, 8-10 Ovenbirds, 1 Hooded,
1 Redstart, 2 Yellowthroats, 1 Yellow, 6 Palm (all yellow race), 250+ Myrtle
(Yellow-rumps), 2 Wormeating, 25+ Black-and-White, 3 Nashville, 1 Louisiana
Waterthrush, 4 Red-eyed Vireos, 20+ Blue-headed Vireos (all-time high here for
us), 1 Yellow-throated Vireo, 3 Scarlet Tanagers, 3 Veerys, 5 Hermit Thrush,
1 Swainson's Thrush, 4 Wood Thrush, 3 Catbirds, 6 House Wrens, 30+ Blue-gray
Gnatcatchers, 10 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 1 Great Crested Flycatcher, 35 White-
throated Sparrows, 4 Field Sparrows, 20 Towhees, 1 Broadwing, 1 Cooper's
Hawk, and 2 Barred Owls. Lots of Flickers (not counted) were also about, but
a definite decrease in Goldfinches from yesterday.

Gail Mackiernan and Barry Cooper
Silver Spring, MD