Migration on the Mall

Jim Felley (IRMSS668@SIVM.SI.EDU)
Wed, 12 May 99 14:16:30 EDT

I went out for another quick trip on both sides of the Reflecting Pool.
On the Constitution Gardens side, the trees were full of orioles.
Most were Baltimore, but several Orchard, too, including one that would
not stop singing (to my enjoyment). Also in this area a lot of
American Redstarts and a Canada Warbler (new to my Mall list!) and
several Swainson's Thrushes.
   In the DC Veteran's Memorial, several other birders, plus
more orioles, Common Yellowthroat, Blackpolls and another Black-
throated Blue Warbler that was heard only.  I haven't *seen* one
this year!
   Around the Tidal Basin, Northern Rough-winged Swallows are nesting
in the crumbling seawall, and blueback herring are spawning (I'm not
sure which side of the spawning peak we are on though).

                              Jim Felley
                              Smithsonian Institution