[MDOsprey] Reply to Finzel BBCU's

J B Churchill (jbc@caf.wvu.edu)
Tue, 22 Jun 1999 09:42:49 -0400 (EDT)

	I could not help but respond to your post about Black-billed Cuckoo.  My 
experience with them is that they are not reliable anywhere.  This is because 
they don't always call (same with Yellow-billeds).  If they are not calling, 
they can be right under your nose and you will never see one.  I am no expert 
but this has been my experience ...
	Living in (and around) Frostburg for 4 years (or more), I have seen BBCU 
a number of times.  Finzel does not stick out in my mind as the greatest spot 
but I am sure they could be there.  I was a preserve monitor for Finzel for 
awhile and have been there a zillion times.  In my recollection, I may or may 
not have seen them there.  I definitely remember seeing one at the FSU arboretum 
(woods next to the track) a few times.  Also near the top of Dan's Rock a few 
	I found a BBCU nest at Cooper's Rock State Forest in WV in 1997.  I 
conducted spot-mapping research there and nest-searching 20 hours per week (4 or 
5 days).  Prior to finding the nest I only heard birds calling 4 or 5 times.  
Chasing one that was reported may not be a bad idea but it may take patience and 
perseverence.  Spring-time when birds are calling would be the best time.
	If you send me a direct e-mail request, I will print out a list of all 
the locations and the number of times I have seen BBCU's at each location from 
my personal birdwatching database.
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John B. Churchill, M.S.
GIS Analyst	                       
West Virginia University                               
Natural Resources Analysis Center                      
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