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Carroll County Birds


Gerald & Laura Tarbell


Maryland Birds & Birding


Sat, 15 May 2004 17:43:09 -0400

Eight brave souls ventured out into the cold, wind-blown snow this AM  to
search for winter birds at Hashawa, north of Westminster. Suddenly realizing
that our calendars were a bit off, we promptly left our heavy coats and
snowshoes in our cars and found the following birds of interest (list not
complete because some birds just don't move my needle):

Great Horned Owl (Being crow-mobbed, but looked at us anyway)
Ruby-throated Owl (Or was it hummingbird?)
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker (2 seen)
Northern Flicker
Eastern wood pewee (Good looks)
Acadian Flycatcher (Seen at Pipe Creek)
Willow Flycatcher
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Tree Swallow
Blue-gray gannet catcher (This is Jim Stasz' name for it- don't blame me)
Wood thrush
All 3 mimic thrush (Cats by the billion, very good looks at thrasher)
Cedar Waxwing
Blue-winged Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler (heard but not seen)
American Redstart
Worm-eating warbler
Ovenbird (Good look)
Kentucky warbler (heard)
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler (Very nice look)
Yellow-breasted Chat (seen by a few of us)
Scarlet tanager (Nice look!)
Eastern Towhee
Chipping sparrow
Field sparrow
Grasshopper sparrow
Song sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Indigo Bunting (several nice looks)
Red-winged blackbird (and a nest w/ 4 eggs)
Baltimore Oriole
American Goldfinch

Birds not seen:
Yellow-throated vireo (Dave Harvey was disappointed by this)
Ivory-billed woodpecker (I was disappointed by this. I really expected at
least one)
