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AABC Field Trip


Allan Haury


Maryland Birds & Birding


Sun, 26 Sep 2004 11:21:29 -0400

Greetings every one,

Not too many folks get an opportunity that the 11 participants had on the
Anne Arundel Bird Club Field Trip to Patuxent River Park on 25 October. Greg
Kearns took us around the area on their pontoon boat in the morning. Besides
being a beautiful day, we managed to spot 49 species of birds in the 3.5
hours on the boat. The highlight of the trip was being able to study the
behavior of one Virginia Rail and two Sora Rails for over 20 minutes. The 3
birds were in one location, no more than 15 feet from the boat, in full view
much of the time and several times we had one Sora and the Virginia Rail in
one binocular view.

Al Haury
410-923-0881 home
410-533-6782 cell