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Horsehead & Ft McHenry NM, 11/06/04


Kevin Graff


Maryland Birds & Birding


Sun, 7 Nov 2004 19:38:17 -0800

Hi all,

   Major flight of birds overhead at Cabin Creek
before others arrive at 8am. Most headed to private
area across creek.  Good days for ducks, not so good
for passerines but too many Yellow-rumped Warblers.

   Later at Ft. McHenry, both brants were alone
grazing between fort and seawall on west side.
Observing for about 16 minutes until a dog chased them
off to south side at end of loop in the water. Its
stay there about 4 minutes before take flight to do
more grazing on south side of fort. Laughing Gulls
still around at the fort. Ran into Jim Peters on his
way to the wetlands trail.

Kent County Bird Club trip, 11/6/04

Leader: Walter Ellison
Observers: 7

Cabin Creek Public Landing, Cabin Creek Rd.,
Grasonville, Queen Anne's Co., MD

Weather: Fair, 47-51 degree, W 5 mph- WSW 8 mph

   1  Common Loon
   2  Double-crested Cormorant
   4  Turkey Vulture
  41  Canada Goose
   2  Mute Swan
  12  American Black Duck
   5  Mallard
   3  Lesser Scaup
   1  Black Scoter - imm.
   1  Bufflehead
 443  Ruddy Duck
   1  Bald Eagle - imm.
   1  Greater Yellowleg - calling overhead
  16  Ring-billed Gull
   1  Herring Gull
   2  Forster's Tern
  96  American Robin - across creek
   1  Northern Mockingbird
   8  European Starling
   1  American Pipit - flyby over creek
  66  Cedar Waxwing - flyby northeast-east
   6  Palm Warbler - unknown, flyby w/blackbirds flock
  15  Savannah Sparrow - flyby w/ blackbirds flock
   5  Northern Cardinal
  17  Red-winged Blackbird - flyby
  43  Common Grackle - flyby w/ blackbirds flock
 794  26 species

   1  Gray Squirrel

Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center (Horsehead
Wetlands Center), Discovery Lane, Grasonville, Queen
Anne's Co., MD
Weather: Fair, 51-62 degree, WSW 8 mph- W 14 mph

    8  Common Loon
    4  Pied-billed Grebe
    1  Horned Grebe
   10  Double-crested Cormorant
    3  Great Blue Heron
    3  Black Vulture
   11  Turkey Vulture
  378  Canada Goose - many over Kent Is.
   14  Tundra Swan
  118  Mute Swan
    4  Gadwall
    5  American Wigeon
    8  American Black Duck
   68  Mallard
    2  Northern Shoveler
    5  Greater Scaup
  115  Lesser Scaup
    1  Surf Scoter
    7  Long-tailed Duck - flyby, miss by others
   61  Bufflehead
    1  Common Goldeneye
 5334  Ruddy Duck
    3  Bald Eagle - 2 ad. & 1 subad.
    1  Cooper's Hawk
    3  Red-tailed Hawk
   41  American Coot
    4  Lesser Yellowleg
   29  Ring-billed Gull
   10  Herring Gull
    2  Great Black-backed Gull
    7  Forster's Tern
    5  Rock Pigeon - flyby near Kent Is.
    5  Mourning Dove
    1  Belted Kingfisher
    4  Red-bellied Woodpecker
    1  Downy Woodpecker
    1  Hairy Woodpecker
    3  Northern Flicker
    1  American Crow - flyby near observation tower
    7  Carolina Chickadee
    3  Tufted Titmouse
    2  Red-breasted Nuthatch
    4  Carolina Wren
    2  Winter Wren
    4  Golden-crowned Kinglet
    4  Ruby-crowned Kinglet
   69  American Robin
    4  Northern Mockingbird
   53  European Starling
   51  Cedar Waxwing
  361  Yellow-rumped Warbler
    4  Song Sparrow
    6  Swamp Sparrow
   10  White-throated Sparrow
    3  Slate-colored" Junco
    5  Northern Cardinal
   50  Red-winged Blackbird
   23  Common Grackle
    1  Purple Finch
    6  House Finch
   10  American Goldfinch
 6964  61 species

   2  Gray Squirrel
   9  White-tailed Deer

   1  Cabbage White
   4  Clouded Sulfer
   1  Orange Sulfer
   1  Clouded/Orange - female white form
   2  Common Buckeye

marine creatures
  65  Striped Killifish - tiny babies
  15  Marsh Killifish - tiny babies
   1  White Perch - under floating dock at Marshy Cr.

Ft McHenry National Monument, Constellation? Plaza at
end of Fort Ave., Locust Point section of Baltimore,MD

Weather: PC, 62-61 degree, SW 14 mph- SW 13 mph

   13  Double-crested Cormorant
    4  Great Blue Heron
    4  Canada Goose
    2  ATLANTIC BRANT - both imm.
   11  Mallard
   42  Lesser Scaup
    3  Bufflehead
   15  Laughing Gull
  108  Ring-billed Gull
   26  Herring Gull
   25  Great Black-backed Gull
    9  Forster's Tern
   18  Rock Pigeon
   16  Mourning Dove
    6  American Robin
    1  Northern Mockingbird
   70  European Starling - actual #
    2  Common Yellowthroat
    2  Eastern Towhee
    1  Field Sparrow - feeder w/ House Sparrows
    1  Fox Sparrow
    4  Song Sparrow
   18  "Slate-colored" Junco - grassy spot behind V.C.
    3  Northern Cardinal
    6  Red-winged Blackbird
    2  House Finch
   19  House Sparrow
  431  27 species

    2  Gray Squirrel

    6  Cabbage White

    5  Comet Darner

       Kevin Graff
       Jarrettsville, MD & Ocean City, MD

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