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birdbath pays off


Fred Pierce


Fred Pierce


Sun, 19 Feb 2006 13:13:24 -0500

About an hour ago more than a dozen Waxwings and 3 Robins appeared out of
nowhere and descended on my balcony birdbath. First time I've had Waxwings
in sight of my desk at all. The Waxwings, in their orderly way, arranged
themselves neatly around the rim, but the Robins kept disrupting the
symetry. First time I've ever seen a belligerent Waxwing. One actually faced
down a Robin, opening its bill wide and leaning forward until the Robin,
which towered over the Waxwing, decided to drink elsewhere.

The Red-breasted Nuthatch dropped by at the same time. So far a nice
backyard count for today.

Clary's Forest, Columbia

Fred Pierce (DNRC)- 