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Lake Roland, 5/09/06


Kevin Graff


Kevin Graff


Wed, 10 May 2006 07:58:12 -0700

Hi all,

Baltimore Bird Club's sixth of the series weekly
birdwalk, next walk on May 16 at 830am.

Robert E. Lee Park "Lake Roland" Hollins Ave. &
Lakeside Dr., Riderwood, Baltimore Co., MD

LEADER: Ruth Culbertson

WEATHER: MC/PC, 53-66 degrees, NW 6 mph- N 8 mph

  16  Canada Goose
  10  Mallard
   4  Common Loon
   3  Great Blue Heron
   1  Yellow-crowned Night Heron
   2  Turkey Vulture
   1  Cooper's Hawk
   2  Red-shouldered Hawk
   2  Red-tailed Hawk
   2  Killdeer - one at north end
   2  Greater Yellowlegs
   1  Lesser Yellowlegs
  10  Solitary Sandpiper
   1  Spotted Sandpiper
   2  Least Sandpiper
   1  peep sp.
   7  Mourning Dove
   2  Yellow-billed Cuckoo
  12  Chimney Swift
   1  Ruby-throated Hummingbird
   1  Belted Kingfisher
   3  Red-bellied Woodpecker
   2  Downy Woodpecker
   2  Hairy Woodpecker
   2  Northern Flicker
   1  Pileated Woodpecker
   3  Acadian Flycatcher
   2  Eastern Phoebe - ON
   3  Eastern Kingbird
   1  Yellow-throated Vireo
   1  Warbling Vireo
   8  Red-eyed Vireo
   3  Blue Jay
   4  American Crow
   3  Fish Crow
   1  Tree Swallow
   6  Northern Rough-winged Swallow
  11  Barn Swallow
  13  Carolina Chickadee
   4  Tufted Titmouse
   1  White-breasted Nuthatch
   3  Carolina Wren
   1  House Wren
  18  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
   2  Eastern Bluebird
   3  Wood Thrush
  30  American Robin
   6  Gray Catbird
   3  Northern Mockingbird - 1 FL
  14  European Starling
  43  Cedar Waxwing 
   1  Nashville Warbler
   2  Northern Parula
   1  Yellow Warbler
   2  Chestnut-sided Warbler
   4  Black-throated Blue Warbler
   5  Yellow-rumped Warbler
   4  Black-throated Green Warbler
   1  Yellow-throated Warbler
   2  Black-and-white Warbler
   1  Ovenbird
   2  Northern Waterthrush
   4  Common Yellowthroat
   1  Hooded Warbler
   1  Scarlet Tanager
   3  Chipping Sparrow
   2  Song Sparrow
   7  White-throated Sparrow
   8  Northern Cardinal
   3  Indigo Bunting
   5  Red-winged Blackbird
  19  Common Grackle
   7  Brown-headed Cowbird
   3  Orchard Oriole
   8  Baltimore Oriole
   9  American Goldfinch
   1  House Sparrow
 386  76 species

  10  Gray Squirrel

   8  Eastern Painted Turtle
   1  Northern Black Racer - seen by Paul only

   5  Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
   1  Pipevine Swallowtail
   2  Spicebush Swallowtail
   6  Cabbage White
   4  Spring Azure
   3  Eastern Tailed Blue
   1  Duskywing sp.

   2  Twelve-spotted Skimmer

         Kevin Graff
         Jarrettsville, MD & West O.C., MD

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