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2nd May: Rock Creek busy


Gary Allport


Gary Allport


Wed, 2 May 2007 09:33:25 -0400

Dear All

A good morning in Rock Creek although many birds were auduible but hard to 
see.  I left at 8.30am with many good birds still around.  Nothing rare or 
otherwise especiually notable but a good range of species and a nice feeling of 

The day started well with a Veery hopping down the centre of the road as I 
drove into the park.  I stopped to look, wound down the window to hear two 
Blackburnian Warblers singing vigourously.  I stopped on the ridge briefly and 
saw Wallace, and then headed to the Nature Centre/Yard area.  Again there 
were lots of really noisy trucks active on and off which helped not at all but 
there wre so many birds one couldn't fail to be entertained.  The yard itself 
was again quite quiet, most of the action being in the area around the stables.

Warblers: Yellow-rumped (many - 75+), Magnolia (2), Black & White (2), B t 
Green (8), B t Blue (1), Blue-winged (1), Parula (3+), Blackburnian (heard 
only), Tenessee (1 singing and seen well), Wilson's (singing and seen badly), 
Hooded (1 or maybe 2, plus at least three seen by others), Blackpoll (1 plus 4 
seen by others), Redstart (3), Chestnut-sided (2), Pine (1).  Also a Canada 
not seen by me.

Plus:  R b Grosbeak (2), Catbird (3), Indigo Bunt (4), Cedar Waxwing (5), 
Wood Thrush (5) Red-eyed Vireo (6), Blue-headed Vireo (1), Ovenbird (4) and 
three Gt Blue Herons going over.   
I also heard a Yellow Warbler along Rock Creek as I was driving home so that's 
17 species of warbler - not bad - and I expect those who were still there 
when I left will have added to the day's tally.

