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MOS Breeding Bird Atlas Photo Contest


Norm Saunders


Norm Saunders


Wed, 3 Oct 2007 11:53:52 -0400

MD-DC Breeding 
Bird Atlas Photo Contest

The Maryland Ornithological Society (MOS) announces a photo contest
for pictures of the breeding birds of Maryland and the District of
Columbia for the new 2002 - 2006 Atlas.  The previous Atlas,
published in 1996, had line drawings of the birds.  The new Atlas,
to be published by the Johns Hopkins University Press, will have a
color photograph of each breeding bird.  The winning photographs
will carry a credit line in the Atlas.    

Contest Rules:
Each contestant may enter only one photograph per breeding bird.
There are approximately 209 breeding birds in MD/DC so there is
ample opportunity to submit multiple photographs. You can get a list
of the breeding birds in the Field List of the Birds of MD (Yellow
Book) 1996, or by accessing the summary data at the USGS Patuxent
web page through the MOS Breeding Bird Atlas Website link.   Winners
will be selected on the basis of originality, technical execution
and their potential for helping readers gain an appreciation of the
spirit of the bird.  All birds photographed for this contest must be
(or have been) alive and living in the wild in Maryland.  

Who is eligible?
The contest is open to all Maryland and DC residents and to members
of the Maryland Ornithological Society.  A panel of editors will
choose the winners.  However, in the event there is a tie for any
given bird, preference will be given to a photographer who is a
member of the Maryland Ornithological Society.  

When to submit. The deadline is January 31, 2008.  

Use of Images.  By entering a photograph in the contest you grant
MOS and Johns Hopkins University Press (JHUP) the right to use and
publish your photos in the Atlas without compensation.  You also
grant MOS and JHUP the right to use and publish your legal name
online and in print, or any other media, in connection with the
contest and agree that any image submitted may be used by the MOS
and JHUP for marketing and promotional purposes, including any media
such as exhibitions, print and digital media directly related to the
Atlas without compensation.  

How to submit.  All photographs must be submitted in high resolution
digital format - 300 dpi JPEG format, no smaller than 5" x 7."
Digital files must be submitted on compact disc, one image per CD.
The disc itself must be clearly marked only with the species of
bird.  No signature, stamp, date, or any other identifying mark is
allowed anywhere on the photograph.  A separate completed entry
document (on sheet of paper or card) stating: the name of the
photographer, email address, mailing address, phone number, location
of image, date of photograph, description (5 - 10 words), and
equipment used must accompany each disc.  MOS will not return CDs.
Address all questions and entries to: Karen Morley, 2719 N. Calvert
St., Baltimore, MD 21218     410 235-4001