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Whooping Crane Migration


Saundra Byrd


Saundra Byrd


Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:15:34 -0400

Hi Everyone, 

Here is a very interesting website for anyone interested in the Whooping Crane 
Migration. I actually found this on the website that was just posted by Melanie 
Lynch about the Presidents comments. This is a field journal of the progress 
being made right now as the Whooping Cranes are being led from Necedah 

NWR in Wisconsin to Chassahowitcka NWR in Florida. They started the 
migration October 13 and have traveled 22 miles as of today. They will be 
crossing 7 states. There are photos of the chicks progress and a gift store. 
Thanks Sbyrd

Saundra Byrd 

baltimore md.