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Re: wind power


Tim Boucher


Tim Boucher


Thu, 20 Dec 2007 11:21:18 -0500

Hi, Chris,

I don't have the data on the fluctuations in demand and how nightly shut
downs for a stretch of several weeks would affect ability to meet demand at
a particular time. I too would like to see such data. My data-free
information comes from the wind industry. I have been working in a
collaborative discussion of wind energy producers and wildlife/scientific
groups for a number of years and this is one of the issues that has been
discussed, but certainly not extensively enough. It isn't that I believe
everything they say - far from it - but it is important to hear what the
"other side" has to say and to appreciate their concerns and limitations
when trying to figure out solutions. You can't just dismiss them out-of-hand
(though lately, that's what they have been doing when discussing the bird
and bat issue - they've been pumping out distorted half-truths (1/16 truths,
actually) lately and it is really making me wonder if they actually want
solutions. However, I digress. Let's assume for the sake of argument that on
at least some of the many nights they would have to feather the turbines, it
would in fact cause a problem in meeting energy demands. Let's also assume
that they are exaggerating the economic impacts, but that doesn't mean there
isn't a real problem - just that it isn't as big as they say it is. 

I've never said that acoustic devices shouldn't be tested. I just worry that
people inadvertently spread misinformation. Had I not answered Frank's post,
how many people here would now believe that there is such a  thing, that it
has been tested, and has proved successful? So problem over, right? That's
my concern. The amount of faulty information floating around is actually
kind of terrifying. 

I don't know of any way to do ANYTHING - drive a car, eat, live in a house,
clean myself or my clothing, anything - without a negative environmental
impact. We just have to keep minimizing, minimizing, minimizing. 

So on that note, let me ask if anyone here has heard of BIGBYing? It is The
Big Green Big Year. Carbon neutral birding. See How cool is this? Finally an excuse to
sit on my can and watch the birds out the window!
