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A Snow-less Southern Maryland / Wednesday 2-20-08


Dan haas


Dan haas


Thu, 21 Feb 2008 00:09:47 -0500

I went South today, visiting many schools and a few fine birding
locales in Charles, St. Mary's and Calvert Counties.

At Point Lookout State Park, I saw...
-Tundra Swan
-Greater Scaup
-Surf Scoter
-White-winged Scoter
-Black Scoter
-Long-tailed Duck
-Common Goldeneye
-Red-throated Loon
-Common Loon
-Horned Grebe
-Red-necked Grebe
-NORTHERN GANNET 3 (One flying up the bay, two others flying in
opposite directions on the Potomac side.)
-Great Blue Heron
-Turkey Vulture
-Red-tailed Hawk  (A rather interesting looking hawk, just outside of
the park.  I took photos and will post them on the blog sometime
-Ring-billed Gull
-Herring Gull
-Great Black-backed Gull
-Blue Jay
-American Crow
-Carolina Chickadee
-Tufted Titmouse
-Brown-headed Nuthatch
-Carolina Wren
-Eastern Bluebird
-American Robin
-Northern Mockingbird
-Yellow-rumped Warbler
-Song Sparrow
-Dark-eyed Junco
-Northern Cardinal
-Common Grackle

Also seen along my travels in St. Mary's County, at the Board of
Education on Moakley Street:
-Black Vulture
-Turkey Vulture
-Red-shouldered Hawk
-American Kestrel

I tried, but did not succeed in viewing the PEREGRINE FALCONS on the
301 Bridge into VA (early in the AM), as well as the Rt 4 bridge over
the Pax River into Solomons (late in the afternoon). There were dozens
of DC Cormorants on the 301 bridge, amongst the gulls, but no falcons.

I did however see these other odds and ends throughout my very long day:

At Allen's Fresh in Charles County, just a quick stop offered:
-Great Blue Heron	
-Turkey Vulture	
-Bald Eagle	
-Northern Harrier (Three of them flying around the marsh.  One in
particular looked like it had gotten into some serious trouble.  Still
flying well, it's tail feathers were a complete mess and it's left
wing's primaries were in tatters.)
-Ring-billed Gull	
-Herring Gull	
-Great Black-backed Gull	
-American Crow	
-Carolina Chickadee	
-Yellow-rumped Warbler

On the way home, I stopped on Solomon's Island to scan the bridge for
PEFA's.  While I was looking, a RUBY CROWNED KINGLET flew right into
the leafless shrub directly in front of me.  It's now a species on
eBird that I need to confirm.  My... how the times have changed.

I just can't wait to wake up tomorrow and see all the REDPOLLS
flitting about in the snow beneath my feeders.

Good Birding,

Dan Haas
West Annapolis, MD