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Chuck-will's-widow at Edgewood Area of APG


Matt Hafner



Fri, 2 May 2008 09:20:12 -0400

This morning I saw and heard a single Chuck-will's-widow on the Edgewood Area of the Aberdeen Proving Ground.? Aside from a calling bird that has returned for several years on the Aberdeen Area, there are very few records for Harford County.? However, they are expanding and probably overlooked in many areas.? Last year one was found in PA just north of Washington County, MD and Garrett County had their first county record as well.? 

A Red-breasted Nuthatch was still around in the area as well.? 

For those not interested in this silly county listing game that some of us participate in, feel free to delete now.

Today's Chuck was county bird 272 for me in Harford County.? Not really a milestone except that is the first time that I have ever passed county lister extraordinaire Jim Stasz in a county list!? When I started birding at 15, a Harford list was the first list that I ever kept besides my lifelist (simple times back then!).? I remember during one week in August I saw Black Tern, White Ibis, and Marbled Godwit at Tydings in Havre de Grace.? None of those were life birds, but I recognized them as very unusual so I decided that a Harford list would be fun.? The Maryland State List obviously soon followed.? 

When I started birding with Jim Stasz and Marshall Iliff, they convinced me to start keeping lists for all the counties.? I resisted at first, but gave in rather quickly.? A frequent topic of conversation was that Marshall had never passed Jim in a county list.? One day as a naive kid of 16, I told Jim, "I'm not that far behind you in Harford, I bet I can pass you there!"? I should have known better.? 

The friendly competition made for excellent birding.? I remember one September, back when our lists were in the 240s, Jim, Dave Powell, and I had probably the best fall day I've ever had in Harford.? Before that day, I was only a single bird behind Jim, and I got 2 county birds that day.? Jim got 6.? I used to joke that that day set me back 2 years.? It may have been more because I don't think I was that close again for 20 more birds.? 

Before Marshall left for various places around the country, he did pass Jim in Garrett County.? That title lasted almost 24 hours, I'm hoping I can stay ahead a little longer than that!

I also need to say that without Jim's mentoring and birding company over the years, I would not have seen nearly as many birds.? Not just in Harford, but anywhere.

Thanks Jim!? 

Matt Hafner
Bel Air, MD