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Rock Creek Park, DC, Wed,. 5/21


Wallace Kornack


Wallace Kornack


Wed, 21 May 2008 11:04:04 -0400

Bird activity this morning in the Maintenance Yard at Rock Creek Park  
started out slow but eventually picked up around 8AM.  We had two  
sightings of the MOURNING WARBLER and good views of LINCOLN'S SPARROW  
and WILSON'S Warbler.  These and others follow:

Tennessee Warbler
Northern Parula     2
Chestnut-sided Warbler     7
Magnolia Warbler     7
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
American Redstart     11
MOURNING WARBLER    1-2 (John and Barry)
Common Yellowthroat
WILSON'S WARBLER     2  (Kathryn)
Canada Warbler     3

Eastern Wood-Pewee     3
Red-eyed Vireo     10
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     3
Swainson's Thrush     2
Scarlet Tanager
Plus Red-shouldered Hawk, Chimney Swift, Indigo Bunting, Ruby-throated  
Hummingbird, American Goldfinch, Northern Cardinal

Observers: Barry, David, Jim, John, Lou, Kathryn, Marjorie, Wallace

Have Fun Birding!

Wallace Kornack
Washington DC