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AA Co.: Greenbury Pt, Sandy Point, Ferndale


Stan Arnold


Stan Arnold


Thu, 22 May 2008 21:46:57 -0700

Hi Folks,

I was able to take the afternoon off from work and visit Greenbury Point 
near Annapolis and then Sandy Point State Park.  I dipped on the Alder 
Flycatcher at Greenbury and didn't even hear a Willow.  Little wonder, as it 
was 12:30 in the afternoon, the wind was just about howling, and there was 
some kind of small arms or artillery fire going on nearby making me 
frequently turn to look for the rocket's red glare.  But I loved the 
habitat, and am anxious to return.  Many thanks to Dan Haas and Ross 
Geredein for help with directions.   The highlights of what I did find:

N. Bobwhite--2 heard
Green Heron--2
Purple Martin--2
Common Yellowthroat--2
YB Chat--6
Field Sparrow--1
Orchard Oriole--4
    20 species total

I had better luck at Sandy Point State Park, where I saw some shorebirds and 
exactly one sparrow, but it was the right one.  Highlights:

Lesser Scaup--1 drake
Spotted Sandpiper--7
Least Sandpiper--2
Semipalmated Sandpiper--4 (one had a yellowish leg band with large tab, on 
right upper leg)
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER--1 (good comparison next to a semipal.)
E. Kingbird--1
    11 species total

When I got home to Ferndale, the report from Elaine was another good one. 
Lots of warblers, including our 22nd species of warbler for the year, and 
one that was expected:  CANADA WARBLER.  Yard highlights for today:

Broad-winged Hawk--1
Common Nighthawk--1 or more
E. Wood-Pewee--1
E. Phoebe--1
RC Kinglet--1
Swainson's Thrush--1
Yellow Warbler--1
Am. Redstart--2 (pair)
WILSON'S WARBLER--1 male, around all day
Scarlet Tanager--1 heard
    41 species

Yesterday (Wed., 21 May) was another excellent day in the yard, with the 
highlights being:

DC Cormorant--15 flyovers
Opsrey--1 flyover
Bald Eagle--1 adult
Co. Nighthawk--1
RE Vireo--1
Purple Martin--1 female
Swainson's Thrush--1
N. Parula--1
Am. Restart--1
Scarlet Tanager--2 (pair)
    43 species

Good birding!

Stan Arnold
Ferndale (AA Co.)