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Very late Fox Sparrow?


Cliff Comeau


Cliff Comeau


Tue, 27 May 2008 21:57:09 -0400

Late Monday pm I heard a bird song in a neighbor's back yard that sounded much like a Fox Sparrow.  The bird sang two different songs, one somewhat similar to that of a Song Sparrow, but most of the time like a Fox Sparrow.  I note that Sibley says that individual Fox Sparrows sing only one song.  Since the season for Fox Sparrows is long past, I discarded that option.  I was unable to see the bird. 


Today in the early afternoon I heard the singer again, and was able to see it, although in rather poor light against the sun.  It was perched about 30 feet up in a silver maple. It did look like a Fox Sparrow, with the heavy rusty red breast spot and streaking, large size for a sparrow, and rusty red wings.  I never saw the back.  The face pattern fit Fox, though I couldn't see the colors well.


Since the Yellow Book gives May 13 at the late date for Fox Sparrow, with migration mostly in Feb & March, this seems quite unusual.  Has anyone else seen Fox Sparrow this late?  

Cliff Comeau
