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Re: Severn River / Annapolis Area


Warren Strobel


Warren Strobel


Mon, 7 Jul 2008 15:46:48 -0400

Dan - thanks again for some great summer birding. Lisa topped off the day 
during our evening stroll by calling in the Great Horned Owl that has been 
hunting in Saltworks in recent weeks!

Good Birding all
Warren & Lisa Strobel

On Sun, 6 Jul 2008 20:13:46 -0400, Dan haas <> 

>Greetings Ospreyers,
>I trust everyone had a fine 4th of July weekend.  Here are some
>results from today's excursions.
>My friend Josh and I set out on kayaks at the crack of dawn (or maybe
>it was 10AM?) for the first annual 'Clean Up the Mess on the Bay Day'.
>Our prize? We took home SEVEN fully-stuffed black garbage bags filled
>with old cans, glass, styrofoam, nets, yards and yards of cloth, Tyvek
>house wrap, rusty wire crab traps, and more plastic bits of junk than
>one could ever imagine.  I hope everyone enjoys the new, much cleaner
>looking Severn River.
>-TWO PURPLE MARTINS. They have recently moved into one of the two
>Martin gourd houses that I installed around Weems Creek in West
>Annapolis.  The white gourds are easily visible from the Ridgely
>Avenue Bridge just to the North. As for the second martin house, it's
>up high on a hill at my friend's home (too difficult to reach today
>with our garbage-collecting mission).  I did sent my friend an email
>to inquire about his gourds. As of yet, I have no information on that
>house and/or it's possible current residents.
>-TWO PEREGRINE FALCONS.  After some extended observation, it is highly
>likely that these two have a scrape and are in the process of raising
>a family.  More soon.
>-MANY Osprey and Barn Swallows
>Returned home and took a much needed shower to remove that wonderful
>marshy-mud smell.  Decided to get back out and do some more birding...
>this time with less trash.
>Later, joined by Warren and Lisa Strobel (,
>we spent a few hours at Waterworks Park and vicinity in Annapolis.
>Blue Grosbeaks, Indigo Buntings, Northern-Rough Winged Swallows,
>Grasshopper Sparrows, Eastern Meadowlark, Belted Kingfisher and
>Orchard Orioles were just some of the highlights. We also found some
>really interesting plants and empty eggs that will be fun to ID.  Got
>home and took another shower to remove the bug-repellent.
>And now... relaxation.
>Good Birding,
>Dan Haas
>West Annapolis, MD