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Re: Early signs of spring


Gail Mackiernan


Gail Mackiernan


Tue, 10 Feb 2009 07:58:20 -0500

Our Witch Hazel has been out for some days now and since Sunday has been
frequented by honeybees (real honeybees, Apis melifera) -- we must have a
hive in the area but not sure if a wild one or if an unknown neighbor keeps
bees. Also the Snowdrops are blooming in sheltered areas. Yesterday saw
droves of Robins stripping the berries from our hollies and the neighbor's
large tree, accompanied by 3-4 Cedar Waxwings. The resident Mocker tried to
defend his berries and his water feature, to no avail! By evening the
hollies were almost bare, the robins then scattered over the ground gleaning
fallen fruit. Today they are to some other feeding area!

Still have our Siskins!

Gail Mackiernan
Colesville, MD
> House Finches have started to sing and in general the birds in the shrubs
> around our house are getting chatty. The witch hazel buds are beginning to
> open, too, and the snow drop leaves are up but I haven't seen flowers yet.
> They have bloomed as early as Groundhog Day here, but last week was pretty
> cold.
> Soon, folks, soon!
> Pat