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Signs of Spring, feeder crossbills (not yet)


Jeff Shenot


Jeff Shenot


Wed, 11 Feb 2009 10:03:35 -0500

I am working at home today and occasionally look out the window at the feeders.  Feeder activity at our house has absolutely screeched to a halt!  As for crossbills, they would be very welcome here regardless of what they want to eat, since they'd have the place all to themselves;  perhaps that would make them easier to spot!

Up til Sunday we were going through about 2-2.5 pounds of thistle, a lot of sunflower and mixed seed, and one suet cake per day.  We had about 35-40 goldfinches and 10 siskins daily, plus many (100+) cowbirds and red-winged blackbirds, plus the usual year-round residents.   It would normally take me about 5-10 minutes each evening to fill all the feeders, but yesterday it only took a minute because most were still full!  The mass exodus began last Saturday with the big thaw.  After 5 straight days of Spring weather, I guess there is no reason to feed on seeds now unless you don't eat insects.

In the last few days, we have seen midge hatches, a honey bee, various flies, wasps, and at least two species of beetles.  Red bats (4) and one unid'd brown bat have been out 3 evenings in a row.  I saw an unidentified butterfly (too far, some kind of skipper), and many various moths.  On Monday eve I saw a large turtle, presumably either a snapper or red-bellied but too distant to identify.  On Sunday I heard a lone Spring Peeper make a few calls, but havn't heard it again yet.

As for birds, we have been hearing woodpeckers drumming daily now (Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied, and Pileated) for about 8-9 days.  R-winged Blackbirds, C. Chickadees, C. Wrens, Titmouse, and Cardinals have all been singing their spring songs and its been noisy in the morning!

Best of all, last eveing I observed the first Woodcock of the season singing and displaying.  I wonder what today will bring - maybe a crossbill?

Jeff Shenot
Croom MD