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Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and Reeve: NO


"Kurt R. Schwarz"


Kurt R. Schwarz


Thu, 28 May 2009 15:06:11 -0400

I was present at the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher spot roughly 7:30-08:40, and 
could not locate it.  No one else was present at the time.  I then went to 
Chesapeake Farms to look for the Reeve.  No luck.  I returned to Eastern 
Neck to find roughly a dozen others, from many counties, and none had found 
it.  Virtually all left by the time I gave up, 11:30 or so.  Another stop at 
Chesapeake Farms failed to yield the Reeve again.

Nice birds I did see at Eastern Neck:

Bank Swallows - 2 (perched on the wire as I crossed the causeway about 7:15)
Kentucky Warbler - 1 (singing in the patch of wood on the right just beyond 
Tubby Cove about 8:45)
Yellow-thoated Warbler - 1 (singing from the trees on the right as you exit 
just after Tubby Cove, first heard by Bob Ringler).

The cast at Cheaspeake changed.

On the first stop I saw
Semi-Palmated Plover
Least Sandpiper
Semi-palmated Sandpiper
White-rumped Sandpiper
Short-billed Dowitcher
Greater Yellowlegs.

WHen I dropped in again, I added:

Black-bellied Plovers
Ruddy Turnstones

Kurt Schwarz
goawaybird at verizon dot net