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Prettyboy yardirds


Eileen Wise


Eileen Wise


Thu, 30 Jul 2009 19:53:27 -0400

I have been hoping and wishing I would see a new yardbird or at least something exciting in my yard.
I am seeing the Tufted Titmouse, I have not counted them but I seem to have many juvenile Titmouse. 
Also many American Goldfinches and Mourning Doves, RB Woodie and Downie woodies, Bluejays, Cardinals, Carolina Wren, Chickadees,  House Wren, House Finches and House Sparrows. And a loud Mockingbird first thing in the morning.

I hope this is alright since I posted my yardbirds above but I also wanted to ask oponions on Texas birding. I am thinking about a planning a family vacation to Texas in April 2010. I was hoping someone could email me off list and give me their favorite birding places, best towns to stay and suggestions.

Also, does Maryland  have a birding trail map? 

Thanks in advance,