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Cromwell Valley Park, 9/22


Bill Hubick


Bill Hubick


Wed, 23 Sep 2009 04:52:15 -0700

Hi Everyone,

I also spent a few hours at Cromwell Valley Park yesterday, but I covered the afternoon shift. Of most interest were at least two PHILADELPHIA VIREOs and three COMMON NIGHTHAWKs. Here's the abridged list.

Red-tailed Hawk (Eastern)--3; one juvenile bird allowed a surprisingly close approach as it picked at a grasshopper on the ground
COMMON NIGHTHAWK--3; eastbound at about 5:30 p.m., first one individual and then two together; my personal latest in Maryland by five days
Chimney Swift--1
Belted Kingfisher--1
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)--24; impressive gathering, flushed eight from the ground just from the end of the Minebank Run Trail
Eastern Wood-Pewee--3
Eastern Phoebe--4
PHILADELPHIA VIREO--2, possibly three. One seen near the end of the Minebank Run Trail and then two seen in the huge Black Walnut tree just beyond in the large open field. Most of my migrant activity was concentrated around this large tree
Red-eyed Vireo--1
House Wren--4
Eastern Bluebird--39
American Robin--28
Gray Catbird--4
Cedar Waxwing--2
Chestnut-sided Warbler--1 male
Magnolia Warbler--2
American Redstart--1
Common Yellowthroat--2
Scarlet Tanager--2
Chipping Sparrow--10
Song Sparrow--6
Rose-breasted Grosbeak--2

Good birding,


Bill Hubick
Pasadena, Maryland