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Re: major morning robin flight


Gail Mackiernan


Gail Mackiernan


Sat, 24 Oct 2009 14:07:38 -0400

Barry and I were at Cape Charles the same weekend as the huge Robin flight
at Cape May and we estimated about over several million Robins passing over
Eastern Shore NWR that weekend. It was simply incredible! Many other species
as well. Mark Garland and some others were banding Saw-whet Owls and caught
(as I recall) 72 that Saturday night!

Gail Mackiernan
Colesville, MD

on 10/24/2009 9:01 AM, Rick Sussman at  wrote:

> Morning all,
> This posting reminded me of something that I just read in the new (October
> 2009) issue of Winging It (American Bird Assoc. newsletter). In it Michael
> O'Brien, previously of Montgomery County, writes an article about what he
> likes about living and birding in Cape May, N.J. He recalls a weekend in early
> November 1999 that locals refer to as "The Robin Flight", when they had a HUGE
> overnight migration of robins, ending the following day with an estimated 1.25
> MILLION birds passing through! And this was just the robins, which he says was
> an underestimate, based on radar images of the nocturnal flight, which showed
> many more birds passing overhead that night than they counted the next day.
> Amazing!!
> Rick Sussman
> Woodbine,MD