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Baltimore Oriole Continues at Feeder


Fred Burggraf



Thu, 17 Dec 2009 16:20:45 -0500

The Baltimore Oriole has visited my feeder frequently for the last three days and has taken food there. I've put a few more (and better) pictures up on Flickr:

There is a discoloration of the bill on this bird, but I don't think it's blood....looks more like it was feasting on poke berry. 

Speaking of berries, the poison ivy berries must be ready for picking, as I've seen flickers gobbling up bunches of them and squirrels breaking off clusters of them & carrying them away. As much as I'm tempted to eradicate the poison ivy in the summer, I'm now reminded as to why that's a bad idea. 

Fred Burggraf
Dentsville, MD (Charles Co.)