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Fletcher's Boathouse, D.C.--5-16


Thomas Jones


Thomas Jones


Sun, 16 May 2010 12:13:16 -0400

After saying goodbye to Wallace at Rock Creek, Wayne Baumgartner and I headed down to Fletcher's Boathouse area where we found a nice selection of warblers and other birds.

Yellow-throated Warbler (hd--a little north of the picnic area between the river and the paved towpath)

Northern Waterthrush (hd--in the same area)

Prothonotary Warbler( one seen at close range near the boat ramp and another heard north of the picnic area)

Others warblers seen:  Magnolia, Chestnut-sided, Yellow, N. Parula, Common Yellowthroat (hd), Blackpoll

Also seen:  Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Warbling Vireo, Red-eyed Vireo, lots of Cedar Waxwings, Kingbirds, Red-Shouldered Hawk, Swainson's Thrush and an unid'd one that got away, Spotted Sandpiper down by the boat ramp, and 3 Solitary Sandpipers in the nearly empty canal.

Tom Jones
Washington, D.C.