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Cliff Swallow behavior


James Tyler Bell


James Tyler Bell


Fri, 4 Jun 2010 18:26:50 -0700

Although this isn't in Maryland, maybe some of you have seen this behavior? We've been working out of a lab along the Penobscot River in Maine. Jane was with me the first week but has since returned to MD. Since we arrived, Cliff Swallows have been gathering mud either from the parking lot or the mudflats along the edge of the river. That in itself isn't so unusual but when they come in to collect mud, they are often in a large flock of over a dozen and they act very much like Wilson's Storm-Petrels with their wings straight up and fluttering and often cock their tails up. Has anyone else ever noted this behavior before in Maryland or anywhere else? I uploaded a photo of them from this afternoon:

Not looking forward to returning to the hot temps in MD on Saturday!
Tyler Bell

California, Maryland