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Least Terns


Gerald & Laura Tarbell


Gerald & Laura Tarbell


Thu, 17 Jun 2010 19:58:41 -0400

As I leave work every day on Kelso Drive in Essex, I am frequently seeing
LEAST TERNS flying overhead. One crossed over the road ahead of me today.
There are several large buildings with big flat roofs, including ours, in
the area. I cannot say I am seeing them coming or going from any particular
roof. I even saw one dip down into one of the retention ponds at the end of
the parking area one day.

Wish I could report a specific building that might have them, but such is
not the case. I do suspect that at least one probably has little terns on
top of it somewhere.

And as an added odd note, did anyone know there is actually a cow pasture at
the end of Kelso (next to our building) and all of this is inside the
beltway? Either somebody has refused to sell out or for some reason the old
farm has been deemed somewhat worthless. Odd to see cows inside of any
beltway but there ya go.

Jerry Tarbell
Well terned in Carroll County.