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"Lovelace Glen (DelDOT)"


Lovelace Glen (DelDOT)


Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:01:51 -0400

Hello again,
                I returned to the same area this morning, but there was no sign of the kite during my 10 minute stop.  However, I did find the Kingbird nest which is what initially attracted my attention yesterday.


From: Lovelace Glen (DelDOT)
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 11:11 AM
To: ; 

Hello all,
                I found this bird this morning around 7 AM and viewed it until 7:25 AM.  It was found in the vicinity of 2378 Ingram Branch Rd, west of Harrington, DE.  I was positioned along the woods (on the east side of the road) on the south side of this address, trying to confirm a pair of Kingbirds there.  I found the kite perched on a snag looking to the northwest.  The snag projects above the woodsline and is the only one in this section of woods.  The woods is the south face of the riparian area along Garey Mill Branch.  It is not visible from slightly further north (prior to entering the woods).   I had scanned the distant snags once and found nothing, so the bird had flown in behind me.  It was perched for my entire observation and was harassed by a Gnatcatcher for a good portion of it.  I include the MD list in this report because this location is mere yards from the state line.
                As I continued atlasing around the area, I searched the sky, hoping to catch it in flight, maybe even in Caroline Co., but never did.  I returned to the spot about 9:20 AM and it was no longer on the snag.  If you chase this bird, beware that there are houses along this part of Ingram Branch Rd, though they are spaced out.  Please respect the resident's property because they are definitely not in an area where they would be accustomed to birders.  I do not want to get asked to leave the next time I am atlasing there.

Good birding,
Glen Lovelace III
Seaford, DE