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Extralimital :MORE Mississippi Kites: Kings Park, Fairfax County,Va.


Donald Sweig


Donald Sweig


Sat, 24 Jul 2010 12:34:34 -0400

FYI: From Va-Bird:

Hoping to get ahead of the scorching weather this afternoon, I drove over to
Kings Park this morning to check on the Mississippi kites.  I arrived about
9:25, thinking that would be about when they were likely to get up and start
flying.  I  was not even out of the car when I saw the first kite floating
around the trees behind the houses. I soon had three adult birds, two with
wing molt and one without, in view at the same time; no sign of the
sub-adult I saw the other day. The birds came and went in and out of my view
for over a half-an-hour. Often  they were high up, but I had a couple of
nice looks as two of the birds circled low above me, catching and eating
insects. I even saw one of the birds do one of those exciting sickle-wing
dives after an insect. Neat!  About 10:10, I decided to go home (it was
getting really hot), and as I was leaving I noticed three birds up very
high. At first I thought they were swifts or swallows, but in my optics I
saw that they were Mississippi kites, circling very close together in a sort
of mini-kettle; all three were adults, two without wing molt and one with.
I honestly think these  birds were a different group than the three I had
seen earlier this morning.  If so,we have as least six adult birds and the
sub-adult I saw before, for a total of seven kites in that area. This is not
unlikely, as Mississippi Kites have been nesting in this part of Fairfax
County for at least five years, and in southern Fairfax (in the Waynewood
area) even longer, probably ten years .This morning's kites reminded me of
the numbers of those birds I saw years ago when I went to South Carolina
looking for Swallow-tail kites. Now, if we could just get a Swallow-tail,or
two, to nest up here . . . .
Stay cool,

Donald Sweig
Falls Church, Va.